MinVR  0.9.0
A multi-platform virtual reality library
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Specifying a VR configuration

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To run your application in a VR environment, MinVR requires a configuration file that specifies the display configuration, window parameters, and input devices. The configuration file has two parts. The first has the extension .vrsetup and details the window parameters. The second part has the extension .cfg and specifies the input devices. These are separated so that an input device file could be reused for multiple display/window configurations. Several examples of both vrsetup and input device cfg files can be found in the <install location>/share/vrsetup directory or in <source root>/MVRCore/vrsetup.

To create a vrsetup file specific to your display configuration, copy one of the examples or create a new one using the parameters detailed below.

File structure for vrsetup

Each vrsetup file begins by specifying the associated input devices file, the InterOcularDistance for stereo rendering, and the InitialHeadFrame:

    InputDevicesFile        devices.cfg
    InterOcularDistance     0.2083
    InitialHeadFrame        ((1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,1), (0,0,0,1))

This is followed by a section specifying the number of windows and each window parameter. Each application and have multiple windows and multiple viewports within each window:

    NumWindows                      1
    Window1_Width                   600
    Window1_Height                  600
    Window1_X                       40
    Window1_Y                       40
    Window1_RGBBits                 0
    Window1_AlphaBits               0
    Window1_DepthBits               8
    Window1_StencilBits             0
    Window1_MSAASamples             1
    Window1_FullScreen              0
    Window1_Stereo                  0
    Window1_Resizable               1
    Window1_AllowMaximize           1
    Window1_Framed                  1
    Window1_Caption                 MinVR Window 1
    Window1_StereoType              Mono
    Window1_UseDebugContext         1
    Window1_NumViewports            1
    Window1_Viewport1_CameraType    OffAxis
    Window1_Viewport1_Width         600
    Window1_Viewport1_Height        600
    Window1_Viewport1_X             0
    Window1_Viewport1_Y             0
    Window1_Viewport1_TopLeft       (-0.65, 0.5, 0.0)
    Window1_Viewport1_TopRight      ( 0.65, 0.5, 0.0)
    Window1_Viewport1_BotLeft       (-0.65,-0.5, 0.0)
    Window1_Viewport1_BotRight      ( 0.65,-0.5, 0.0)
    Window1_Viewport1_NearClip      0.01
    Window1_Viewport1_FarClip       100.0

Configuration Recommendations

MinVR has the flexibility to render to open multiple windows or multiple viewports within a single window. This choice can have an influence on performance and stereo rendering. Each window runs in its own thread and contains its own OpenGL context.

Our recommendation is that if your displays are connected to multiple graphics cards, use a single window for each card. If multiple displays are connected to each card, for example individual walls in a CAVE environment, use a viewport for each display that is not coplanar. This will enable you to use stereo and will maximize performance because each thread can make sure the CPU-GPU communications are saturated.

If you are using Windows on an Nvidia Quadro card, we also suggest you set the Window<num>_UseGPUAffinity parameter, as this will cause rendering commands to only be sent to the specific GPU the window is associated with, rather than all GPUs.

Supported vrsetup parameters

The following parameters are supported in a vrsetup file.

Name Supported values/Format Notes
InputDevicesFile Valid File Path
InterOcularDistance 0 to max float Used for stereo to specify the distance between the eyes
InitialHeadFrame ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) Coordinate frame to specify the initial head location
NumWindows 1 to max int Specifies the number of windows. Ideally set the number of windows equal to the number of GPUS
Window<num>_Width 0 to max int
Window<num>_Height 0 to max int
Window<num>_X 0 to max int Specifies the windows upper left corner position
Window<num>_Y 0 to max int Specifies the windows upper left corner position
Window<num>_RGBBits 0 to max int The number of bits to use for each color channel of the framebuffer
Window<num>_AlphaBits 0 to max int The number of bits to use for the alpha channel of the framebuffer
Window<num>_DepthBits 0 to max int The number of bits to use for the depth buffer
Window<num>_StencilBits 0 to max int The number of bits to use for the stencil buffer
Window<num>_MSAASamples 0 to max int Number of samples per pixel for anti-aliasing purposes
Window<num>_FullScreen 0 or 1 Open a fullscreen window on the display indicated by the x and y position
Window<num>_Stereo 0 or 1 Turn stereo on or off
Window<num>_Resizable 0 or 1 Allow the window to be resized
Window<num>_AllowMaximize 0 or 1 Allow the window to be maximized
Window<num>_Framed 0 or 1 Specify whether the window should have a border frame
Window<num>_Visible 0 or 1 Specifies whether the window will be initially visible when it is created
Window<num>_Caption string The window title
Window<num>_StereoType Mono, QuadBuffered, Checkerboard, InterlacedColumns, InterlacedRows, SideBySide Specifies the type of stereo used
Window<num>_UseDebugContext 0 or 1 Create an OpenGL debug context for more debugging info
Window<num>_UseGPUAffinity 0 or 1 If set to true on an Nvidia Quadro graphics card, MinVR will use the GPU affinity extension to render only on the card the window is created on. Currently only supported with the GLFW App Kit
Window<num>_NumViewports 1 to max int The number of viewports the window indicated by <num> contains
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_CameraType OffAxis The type of VR camera
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_Width 0 to Window<num>_Width
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_Height 0 to Window<num>_Height
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_X 0 to max int
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_Y 0 to max int
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_TopLeft (-1.0, 0.5, 0.0) Specify the position of the viewport in feet from the VR origin (the center of the display, center of a CAVE, etc.)
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_TopRight(1.0, 0.5, 0.0) Specify the position of the viewport in feet from the VR origin (the center of the display, center of a CAVE, etc.)
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_BotLeft (-1.0, -0.5, 0.0) Specify the position of the viewport in feet from the VR origin (the center of the display, center of a CAVE, etc.)
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_BotRight (1.0, -0.5, 0.0) Specify the position of the viewport in feet from the VR origin (the center of the display, center of a CAVE, etc.)
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_NearClip 0. to max float Distance to the near clipping plane
Window<num>_Viewport<num>_FarClip 0. to max float Distance to the far clipping plane

Input devices file structure

The input devices file specifies which devices generate events that are sent to your MinVR application. The parameters in the devices file depend on the device type, but usually follow the following structure where <name> is replaced with a unique name:

    InputDevices+=                          <name>
    <name>_Type                             InputDeviceVRPNTracker
    <name>_InputDeviceVRPNTrackerName       head@tcp:lespaul.cs.umn.edu:3883
    <name>_EventsToGenerate                 <event name>
    <name>_ConvertLHtoRH                    1
    <name>_IgnoreZeroes                     1
    <name>_WaitForNewReportInPoll           0
    <name>_TrackerUnitsToRoomUnitsScale     3.28084
    <name>_DeviceToRoom                     ((1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,-1.73), (0,0,1,2.25), (0,0,0,1))
    <event name>_PropToTracker              ((1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0), (0,0,0,1))
    <event name>_FinalOffset                ((1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0), (0,0,0,1))

VRPN button and analog devices look like this:

    InputDevices+=                          TNG3BDigital
    TNG3BDigital_Type                       InputDeviceVRPNButton
    TNG3BDigital_InputDeviceVRPNButtonName  Tng0@tcp:lespaul.cs.umn.edu:3886
    TNG3BDigital_EventsToGenerate           TNG_Btn1 TNG_Btn2 TNG_Btn3 TNG_Btn4 TNG_Btn5 TNG_Btn6 TNG_Btn7 TNG_Btn8

    InputDevices+=                          TNG3BAnalog
    TNG3BAnalog_Type                        InputDeviceVRPNAnalog
    TNG3BAnalog_InputDeviceVRPNAnalogName   Tng0@tcp:lespaul.cs.umn.edu:3886
    TNG3BAnalog_EventsToGenerate            TNG_An1 TNG_An2 TNG_An3 TNG_An4

To add a 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator 3D mouse:

    InputDevices+= Spnav
    Spnav_Type     InputDeviceSpaceNav

To get TUIO multitouch events:

    InputDevices+=          MultiTouch
    MultiTouch_Type         TUIO
    MultiTouch_Port         3333
    MultiTouch_XScaleFactor 1.0
    MultiTouch_YScaleFactor 1.0

Input device file parameters

The following are valid input device file parameters.

Name Supported values/Format Notes
<name>_Type InputDeviceVRPNTracker, InputDeviceVRPNButton, InputDeviceVRPNAnalog, TUIO, InputDeviceSpaceNav Specifies the device type
<name>_InputDeviceVRPNTrackerName <vrpn object name>@tcp:<host or IP address>:<port>
<name>_InputDeviceVRPNButtonName <vrpn object name>@tcp:<host or IP address>:<port>
<name>_InputDeviceVRPNAnalogName <vrpn object name>@tcp:<host or IP address>:<port>
<name>_EventsToGenerate string MinVR event name to be generated
<name>_ConvertLHtoRH 0 or 1 Used with InputDeviceVRPNTracker. Converts left handed coordinate system to right handed
<name>_IgnoreZeroes 0 or 1 Ignore events where the tracker position has not moved
<name>_WaitForNewReportInPoll 0 or 1
<name>_TrackerUnitsToRoomUnitsScale 1 to max float Used for unit scaling or conversion, for example from meters to feet
<name>_DeviceToRoom ((1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,-1.73), (0,0,1,2.25), (0,0,0,1)) Transformation between device coordinates and room coordinates, if the tracker origin is in a different position or orientation
<event name>_PropToTracker ((1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0), (0,0,0,1)) Use to adjust the origin of your tracked prop if the origin is not at the tracker location
<event name>_FinalOffset ((1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0), (0,0,0,1))
<name>_Port port number Used to specify a TUIO port number on localhost
<name>_XScaleFactor 1 to max float Used to scale the X TUIO cursor position
MultiTouch_YScaleFactor 1 to max float Used to scale the Y TUIO cursor position