MinVR  0.9.0
A multi-platform virtual reality library
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StringUtils.H File Reference

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Constant Groups



#define BOOST_ASSERT_MSG_OSTREAM   std::cout
#define DEFINE_TO_QUOTED_STR(d)   #d


std::vector< std::string > MinVR::splitStringIntoArray (const std::string &in)
std::string MinVR::decygifyPath (const std::string &in)
std::string MinVR::replaceEnvVars (const std::string &in)
unsigned int MinVR::hashCode (const double d)
std::ostream & MinVR::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const glm::vec2 &vec2)
std::istream & MinVR::operator>> (std::istream &is, glm::vec2 &vec2)
std::ostream & MinVR::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const glm::vec3 &vec3)
std::istream & MinVR::operator>> (std::istream &is, glm::vec3 &vec3)
std::ostream & MinVR::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const glm::vec4 &vec4)
std::istream & MinVR::operator<< (std::istream &is, glm::vec4 &vec4)
std::ostream & MinVR::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const glm::mat3 &m)
std::istream & MinVR::operator>> (std::istream &is, glm::mat3 &m)
std::ostream & MinVR::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const glm::mat4 &m)
std::istream & MinVR::operator>> (std::istream &is, glm::mat4 &m)
std::string MinVR::intToString (int i)
int MinVR::stringToInt (const std::string &in)
std::string MinVR::realToString (double r)
double MinVR::stringToReal (const std::string &in)
bool MinVR::popNextToken (std::string &in, std::string &token, bool returnFalseOnSemiColon=false)
bool MinVR::popUntilSemicolon (std::string &in, std::string &popped)
std::vector< std::vector
< std::string > > 
MinVR::readDelimitedData (const std::string &csvString, const std::string &delimiter, bool removeQuotes=true)
std::string MinVR::joinIntoString (const std::vector< std::string > &in, const std::string &delimiter=std::string(" "))
std::string MinVR::convertNewlinesAndTabsToSpaces (std::string input)
 Converts DOS and UNIX style newlines and tab characters to spaces. More...
int MinVR::iMinNonNeg (int i1, int i2)
std::string MinVR::spacesString (int num)
 Returns a string containing num spaces in it. More...
int MinVR::numSubstringOccurances (const std::string &str, const std::string &substr)
 Returns the number of occurances of substr in str. More...
int MinVR::findNth (const std::string &str, const std::string &substr, const int n)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > MinVR::insertIntoArray (std::vector< T > inputArray, T newElement, int insertBeforeElementNum)
std::string MinVR::trimWhitespace (const std::string &s)
 Trims whitespace characters from both sides of s. More...
std::string MinVR::readWholeFile (const std::string &filename)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define BOOST_ASSERT_MSG_OSTREAM   std::cout
#define DEFINE_TO_QUOTED_STR (   d)    #d