A multi-platform virtual reality library
MinVR::AbstractCamera | |
MinVR::CameraOffAxis | |
MinVR::CameraTraditional | |
MinVR::AbstractInputDevice | Base class for InputDevices. Input Devices should be polled once per frame and append Events that were generated since the last call to poll to the array passed into the poll routine |
MinVR::InputDeviceSpaceNav | |
MinVR::InputDeviceTUIOClient | |
MinVR::InputDeviceVRPNAnalog | |
MinVR::InputDeviceVRPNButton | |
MinVR::InputDeviceVRPNTracker | |
MinVR::AbstractMVRApp | Pure virtual base class for MinVR applications |
MinVR::AbstractMVREngine | Base class for vr engines |
MinVR::MVREngineGLFW | VR Engine for raw OpenGL apps based on GLFW |
MinVR::AbstractWindow | Base class for windows |
MinVR::WindowGLFW | |
MinVR::ConfigMap | |
MinVR::ConfigValMap | |
MinVR::DataFileUtils | |
MinVR::Event | |
MinVR::Rect2D | |
MinVR::RenderThread | |
MinVR::WindowSettings |